При создании аватара необходимо задействовать минимум одну из трёх представленных тем:
lyckaaПесняминимум три словаKagamine Rin - MeltdownАнглийский перевод (animelyrics.com)The town is filled with brilliant light
The chill of anesthesic ether
2 AM, and I can't sleep
Everything is changing so fast
The lighter's out of oil
The pit of my stomach is on fire
If everything is such a lie
Then it really would be better
I dreamed of wrapping my hands 'round your neck
On an early afternoon, overflowing with light
I dreamed, with eyes full of tears
of cinching your narrow throat
I want to dive into
a nuclear reactor
Surrounded by beautiful blue light
If I dive into
the nuclear reactor
then I can let it all go
On the other side of the balcony
The sound of someone climbing the stairs
The clouding sky falls into the room
through the window panes
In the scattering twilight
The sun is red, like teary eyes
Bit by bit, as if dissolving
Little by little this world is dying
I dreamed of wrapping my hands 'round your neck
'Neath curtains rustled by a breeze
The words overflow from your
dried up lips, like bubbles
I want to dive into
a nuclear reactor
So the memories melt away to white
If I dive into the nuclear reactor
Then I'll be able to sleep as I did long ago
That's how I feel
The second hand on the clock
And the officials on the tv
Are still there, but the laughter of someone I can't see
is echoing all through my head
Allegro Agitato
My ears won't stop ringing
Allegro Agitato
My ears won't stop ringing
I dreamed that everyone was disappearing
The emptiness and silence of this room in the night
Weighs down on me
I can't breathe anymore
Should I dive into
the nuclear reactor
I know I can disappear, so I can sleep
A morning without me
Will be much more wonderful than now
Where everything is in gear
That sort of world, definitely.
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я Джек
Ну что ж я выложу тогда, задание я выкладывала с телефона ^^"
Утайсин , квазитождик хД