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При создании аватара необходимо задействовать минимум одну из трёх представленных тем:
Kaito - Judgement of Corruption
The judiciary system is so tainted here,
that a defendant's charges are based solely on the level of his wealth.
I, the Master of the Court,
seek after not justice or righteousness, but money.
Even if it's the most atrocious scoundrel,
as long as he pays up, I will gladly spare him.
After all, money makes the mare go.
I couldn't care less about
their looks, age, ethnicity, or gender.
What's important is whether or not they have enough money.
That's all that matters.
Your life is in my hands.
If you wish to be spared, then cough up the coins!
That's right, your charges are at my discretion,
at the mercy of my judgment of corruption.
If you truly wish to be saved from the swamp of false charges,
then hand over more of that money!
I need money
to cure my daughter's handicapped legs.
Once I have assembled seven vessels of deadly sins,
my wish will surely be granted.
At today's court, too, where misgivings unfold,
the evildoers snicker while the innocent weep.
That's right, your charges are at my discretion,
at the mercy of my judgment of corruption.
In order for my own long cherished wish to come true,
I must continue wielding my gavel of injustice.
A vicious general who slaughtered countless innocent people
of course should be sentenced to death.
However, I was bribed into
proclaiming him innocent.
The people's outrage brought forth an uprising.
That general was killed anyway,
and his dead body left in the wilderness to rot.
The brunt of the rage, however, is directed at me,
and the people set my house ablaze.
Oh, my beloved "daughter",
as long as we're together, there's nothing to fear.
In the remains of my burned-down house, you'll probably find
the lonely corpses of a parent and his child...
When I have come back to my senses,
I find myself alone at the gate to the netherworld.
Am I going to Heaven or Hell? The one deciding that will be
the Master of the Hellish Yard.
Even if it's the most atrocious scoundrel,
as long as he pays up, he will be spared.
After all, money makes the mare go, even in Hell.
I whisper into the Master's ear:
"I'll never hand over my money to the likes of you."
Immediately, my body is plunged through the gate,
and falls towards the bottom of the abyss.
That's right, your charges are at my discretion,
at the mercy of my judgment of corruption.
Therefore, I will not allow anyone to judge my sins;
I will not approve any judgment against me.
That's right, some time in the future, I will once again
gather the fragments of the deadly sins into my hands.
By that time, Hell will probably have become
a Utopia for my daughter and me...
Арты (кликабельны):
так же вы можете воспользоваться ссылкой, чтобы скачать видео с ютьюба и сделать скрины.
Приём работ на u-mail сообщества продлится до DATE. От каждого участника – максимум 3 аватары 100х100, до 30 кб, формата png, gif.
Если вы работали с артом, который не предложен заданием, желательно писать ссылку на арт (пиксив, тегаки, минитокио, etc.), ну или хотя бы заливать его на радикал или еще что, дабы можно было определить вокалоида, а то может это какой нибудь другой персонаж? ; )
Вдохновения вам!!
Продлеваем неделю до 20:00 субботы 20 августа
При создании аватара необходимо задействовать минимум одну из трёх представленных тем:
by El Gato
Kaito - Judgement of Corruption
The judiciary system is so tainted here,
that a defendant's charges are based solely on the level of his wealth.
I, the Master of the Court,
seek after not justice or righteousness, but money.
Even if it's the most atrocious scoundrel,
as long as he pays up, I will gladly spare him.
After all, money makes the mare go.
I couldn't care less about
their looks, age, ethnicity, or gender.
What's important is whether or not they have enough money.
That's all that matters.
Your life is in my hands.
If you wish to be spared, then cough up the coins!
That's right, your charges are at my discretion,
at the mercy of my judgment of corruption.
If you truly wish to be saved from the swamp of false charges,
then hand over more of that money!
I need money
to cure my daughter's handicapped legs.
Once I have assembled seven vessels of deadly sins,
my wish will surely be granted.
At today's court, too, where misgivings unfold,
the evildoers snicker while the innocent weep.
That's right, your charges are at my discretion,
at the mercy of my judgment of corruption.
In order for my own long cherished wish to come true,
I must continue wielding my gavel of injustice.
A vicious general who slaughtered countless innocent people
of course should be sentenced to death.
However, I was bribed into
proclaiming him innocent.
The people's outrage brought forth an uprising.
That general was killed anyway,
and his dead body left in the wilderness to rot.
The brunt of the rage, however, is directed at me,
and the people set my house ablaze.
Oh, my beloved "daughter",
as long as we're together, there's nothing to fear.
In the remains of my burned-down house, you'll probably find
the lonely corpses of a parent and his child...
When I have come back to my senses,
I find myself alone at the gate to the netherworld.
Am I going to Heaven or Hell? The one deciding that will be
the Master of the Hellish Yard.
Even if it's the most atrocious scoundrel,
as long as he pays up, he will be spared.
After all, money makes the mare go, even in Hell.
I whisper into the Master's ear:
"I'll never hand over my money to the likes of you."
Immediately, my body is plunged through the gate,
and falls towards the bottom of the abyss.
That's right, your charges are at my discretion,
at the mercy of my judgment of corruption.
Therefore, I will not allow anyone to judge my sins;
I will not approve any judgment against me.
That's right, some time in the future, I will once again
gather the fragments of the deadly sins into my hands.
By that time, Hell will probably have become
a Utopia for my daughter and me...
Арты (кликабельны):
так же вы можете воспользоваться ссылкой, чтобы скачать видео с ютьюба и сделать скрины.
Приём работ на u-mail сообщества продлится до DATE. От каждого участника – максимум 3 аватары 100х100, до 30 кб, формата png, gif.
Если вы работали с артом, который не предложен заданием, желательно писать ссылку на арт (пиксив, тегаки, минитокио, etc.), ну или хотя бы заливать его на радикал или еще что, дабы можно было определить вокалоида, а то может это какой нибудь другой персонаж? ; )
Вдохновения вам!!