При создании аватара необходимо задействовать минимум одну из трёх представленных тем:
Oh, when the lights are growing wan
The sounds of streets are getting fade and calm
You hear the call, it takes you all…
I know you’re out of control.
It’s in your eyes… forgotten lies
The truth we can’t despise.
The edge is near, the words are clear,
No matter how it looks so queer…
Ch.: Your nerve is thin, I know, I’ve seen
I never think of what you say and what you mean
I see the shiver of your skin
I still believe my conscience’s clean
Remind me how it was before
The day I shut the door…
Those days of passion, love and pain
I won’t believe it was in vain.
It’s in your eyes… forgotten lies
The truth we can’t despise.
The edge is near, the words are clear,
No matter how it looks so queer…
Арты (кликабельны) :
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