У нас целых 5 аватарок : ))
Но мы ждем еще ваших работ!!
При создании аватара необходимо задействовать минимум одну из трёх представленных тем:
GUMI - Panda Hero
With pipes made of scrap wood, and rusty car wheels in piles,
everyone has gone crazy at the paintings market.
While the yellow dartboards are studded with syringe needles,
the hands at the home base are keeping themselves busy knitting.
If you are ever in trouble, just call that gal.
To this playground encircled by transmission towers,
a hero of justice, with a fuzzy sense of good (white) and evil (black),
will surely arrive, holding a metal baseball bat in her left hand.
The dog-shaped radio that emits nothing but noises,
and the bunny girl made of flickering neon lights,
they have a market price equivalent to one opium seed,
which will soon be swallowed to the deepest.
"I want one! Please!"
If you just hand over a dried-up apple,
and grumble in a voice feigning coolness,
then I'm afraid you're not getting anywhere.
with smoking smoldering steam and tumultuous eyes.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
she makes her entry as a pinch hitter.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
surely that must be the Panda Hero.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
farewell, day-before-yesterday, here comes a killer line drive!
Playing with some androids
who are only singing about cannibalism with words,
surely our Hero is being despised by others,
look, our Hero is being coveted by others.
Playing with some androids
who are only singing about cannibalism with words,
surely our Hero is being despised by others,
look, our Hero is being coveted by others.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
I aim but grow giddy at the space between the 3rd Base and the Shortstop.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
she makes her entry as a pinch runner.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
In other words, we're 2 positions away from a complete run.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
I can't suppress my excitement very well!
The cat, trapped in a bucket, starts to wail.
One after another, people begin to vanish.
This is now a game that cannot be fixed or corrected.
I'm afraid we're not getting anywhere anymore.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
the clamoring prostitutes with eyes of reckless remarks.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
the buzzers and warning lights scatter away like baby spiders.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
it must be the work of the Panda Hero.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
farewell, day-before-yesterday, here comes a killer line drive!
Farewell, day-before-yesterday, here comes a killer line drive!
Арты (кликабельны) :
Приём работ на u-mail сообщества продлится до 2 апреля, 20:00 по Москве. От каждого участника – максимум 3 аватары 100х100, до 30 кб, формата png, gif.
Если вы работали с артом, который не предложен заданием, желательно писать ссылку на арт (пиксив, тегаки, минитокио, etc.), ну или хотя бы заливать его на радикал или еще что, дабы можно было определить вокалоида, а то может это какой нибудь другой персонаж? ; )
Но мы ждем еще ваших работ!!
При создании аватара необходимо задействовать минимум одну из трёх представленных тем:
by 78777
GUMI - Panda Hero
With pipes made of scrap wood, and rusty car wheels in piles,
everyone has gone crazy at the paintings market.
While the yellow dartboards are studded with syringe needles,
the hands at the home base are keeping themselves busy knitting.
If you are ever in trouble, just call that gal.
To this playground encircled by transmission towers,
a hero of justice, with a fuzzy sense of good (white) and evil (black),
will surely arrive, holding a metal baseball bat in her left hand.
The dog-shaped radio that emits nothing but noises,
and the bunny girl made of flickering neon lights,
they have a market price equivalent to one opium seed,
which will soon be swallowed to the deepest.
"I want one! Please!"
If you just hand over a dried-up apple,
and grumble in a voice feigning coolness,
then I'm afraid you're not getting anywhere.
with smoking smoldering steam and tumultuous eyes.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
she makes her entry as a pinch hitter.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
surely that must be the Panda Hero.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
farewell, day-before-yesterday, here comes a killer line drive!
Playing with some androids
who are only singing about cannibalism with words,
surely our Hero is being despised by others,
look, our Hero is being coveted by others.
Playing with some androids
who are only singing about cannibalism with words,
surely our Hero is being despised by others,
look, our Hero is being coveted by others.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
I aim but grow giddy at the space between the 3rd Base and the Shortstop.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
she makes her entry as a pinch runner.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
In other words, we're 2 positions away from a complete run.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
I can't suppress my excitement very well!
The cat, trapped in a bucket, starts to wail.
One after another, people begin to vanish.
This is now a game that cannot be fixed or corrected.
I'm afraid we're not getting anywhere anymore.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
the clamoring prostitutes with eyes of reckless remarks.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
the buzzers and warning lights scatter away like baby spiders.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
it must be the work of the Panda Hero.
Pa-pa-pa-lah, pa-pa-pa-la-pah,
farewell, day-before-yesterday, here comes a killer line drive!
Farewell, day-before-yesterday, here comes a killer line drive!
Арты (кликабельны) :
Приём работ на u-mail сообщества продлится до 2 апреля, 20:00 по Москве. От каждого участника – максимум 3 аватары 100х100, до 30 кб, формата png, gif.
Если вы работали с артом, который не предложен заданием, желательно писать ссылку на арт (пиксив, тегаки, минитокио, etc.), ну или хотя бы заливать его на радикал или еще что, дабы можно было определить вокалоида, а то может это какой нибудь другой персонаж? ; )